Thursday’s Tomfoolery – Movie and Film Remixes from Eclectic Method

Fun Movie and Film Remixes from Eclectic Method

Eclectic Method

Electic Method is a Video Remix DJ Producer who’s real name is Jonny Wilson. Here’s more information about him that I copied and pasted from his Facebook Page bio (I’ll always quote what I copy) …

Eclectic Method (aka Jonny Wilson) started out as a digital outlaw who spliced together music, TV and film and set it to high-energy dance beats. Jonny worked frequently with Brian Eno and others growing up between London and post-war Bosnia, and when he started Eclectic Method, he created a project so progressive that the simple tag of VJ would never do. Wilson constantly pushes the technology to improve video remixing and create compositions that perk ears, move feet and capture moments in time. The video mixtapes and performances are wildly entertaining, but the unique format also allows Eclectic Method to be a digital curator of trending pop culture.’ (

I’ve mentioned his work before in this post on Thursday’s Tomfoolery Monthy Python post here but tonight I have a treat in store as here are my Top of the Pops when it comes to Eclectic Method Movie and Film Remixes. Be sure to share the love if you love this post … I’m sure it’ll put a smile on even the most sour faced of your friends or family!

It’s A Movie

The Wolf of Wall Street Chest Thump Mix


 Master Yoda

Fight Dub

For more info on Eclectic Method visit his website here

Don’t Forget ↓

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