The 6 Factors Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss

Lose It Quick, Or Lose It To Win: The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss

Factors Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight LossAre you tired of jumping from one diet to another and losing at the game? If so, you are probably exhausted from trying to find the perfect weight loss programme. Enter sustainable weight loss programmes – they are much more than diets, they’re mental transformations.

The 6 Factors Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss

The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss Factor #1

Setting Realistic Goals

Set small, attainable goals rather than one big goal. It is easier to feel successful if you aim to lose five pounds this week rather than fifty pounds. You should set your goals around your current lifestyle and simply try to make it better just a little each week.

That is what a good sustainable weight loss programme will do for you. It will not only help you to lose weight, it will put you in a place of strength with confidence to achieve your weight loss goals.

Further Reading: Getting Fit – How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You

The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss Factor #2

Understanding Your Relationship with Food

How do you relate to food? Do you eat because you are stressed? Bored? Emotional? Take notice of what is going through your head before you grab that bag of potato chips.

Make a note of when and what you are eating, and be conscious of the calories and how you consume them. That way, you’ll improve your relationship with food. BodySlims offers you a personalized calorie allowance with which you’ll get to eat all food groups while also not consuming too much.

The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss Factor #3

Incorporating Daily Activity

You don’t need a gym or fancy equipment to change your body. Just simple movements like a daily walk can be just what your physical and mental health needs.

You can lose weight with small but impactful changes. Go on regular walks instead of moving straight to push-ups.

Further Reading: Family Health – Nurture the Body & Mind Through the Seasons

Factors Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss - Lose it Quick or Lose it to WinPhoto by Divaris Shirichena

The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss Factor #4

Online Support and Motivation

Science has shown us that when we want to be a part of a community that supports our goals, we have a higher chance of reaching them when we have people around us who have the same goals in mind.

So, join a sustainable weight loss programme like BodySlims that has great community support whether online or near your home. There are various forums where you can join in on the discussion including online seminars, programs, and calls to give you the motivation, advice, and the community to help you succeed.

The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss Factor #5

Consistency Over Perfection

So many of us beat ourselves up for not being perfect. We tend to think that if we can’t do something perfectly then we are a total failure. This just isn’t the case. You will slip up, you will eat cakes and cookies more often than you like and you will miss workouts. That is part of life.

Just continue moving forward and trying your best and that is enough!

Further Reading: Cardiovascular Health – 4 Lifestyle Tips for a Healthy Heart

The Role Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss Factor #6

Changing Your Mindset

Losing weight is all in your head. Instead of always thinking about what you have to lose, try and remember all that you have to gain from making a healthier lifestyle choice.

Picture yourself with more energy and feeling more comfortable in your skin – you can breathe easier and might even get rid of your back pain.

There are so many advantages to losing a few kilograms – more confidence and a brand-new wardrobe. Don’t miss out on these great benefits because you are too busy looking at all that you have to give up.

So, are you ready to change your mindset, and lifestyle and jump on a sustainable weight plan? Remember it’s not about the weight you lose, it’s about the life you gain.

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Factors Of A Good Program For Sustainable Weight Loss - The Life of Stuff

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