Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Six Simple Ways

Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

More and more people are looking at their waste and deciding to make small changes to live a more eco-friendly life. If this is something you have been considering, but are afraid to jump in, then here are some simple things you can do to start making the change – ‘Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Six Simple Ways’

Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle #1 – Reduce Meat Consumption

Cutting back on the amount of meat you eat can make a huge difference for the environment. A large portion of the surface of the Earth is being used to raise and support livestock. The amount of water used for this purpose and the carbon footprint is huge. Reducing the amount of meat you eat and increasing your vegetables can not only be better for the environment, but it can also be better for your health.

Further Reading: Sustainable Living – Grow Your Own Food in a Vegepod

Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle #2 – Use Less and Recycle More

Because we have so much access to technology, there is less need to use as much paper as we used to use. If people use less, then there is less waste. If you do need to use paper, then it is important to recycle. Recycling the waste that you produce will also help you to give back to the environment.

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Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle #3 – Canvas Shopping Bags

Plastic and paper bags from stores are a huge source of waste that we all participate in. Making the switch to canvas reusable bags instead will help cut down on this waste. They may cost a small amount upfront, but they are sturdier and can hold more items than a plastic bag. They can also be used for other purposes like storing items or packing things when you move. Even if you don’t want to get started with canvas bags, simply reusing the plastic ones is a great first step.

Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle #4 – Simple Home Changes

You can also make small changes to your home that make it more eco-friendly. A programmable thermostat will help you only heat and cool your house when it is necessary. You can also switch to es light bulbs to help save on energy as well. Taking a look at upgrading to energy-efficient appliances or fixing the insulation in your home will help you reduce the amount of energy you use. All these changes are good for the environment and good for your monthly utility bills.

Further Reading: 5 Ways You Can Save Money On Your Energy Bills

Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle #5 – Switch Brands

The companies you buy from can also impact how eco-friendly your life is. Take a look into products made by companies who are trying to protect the environment and support them. You may be surprised to find that you enjoy the quality of their products. You can do this in cleaning supplies or personal care items.

Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle #6 – Water Waste

Using less water and reducing the amount of bottled water you buy can also help you give back to the environment. You can take a shorter shower in the mornings to help reduce the amount of water you use. You can also install a low-flow showerhead that will help you use less water each time you shower. Getting a reusable water bottle is a great way to be more environmentally friendly.

Photo by Margot Richard – CCO Licence

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Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Six Simple Ways - The Life of Stuff

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