How to Spruce Up Your Garden in Time for Spring

Spruce Up Your Garden in Time for Spring

Garden Ideas and Inspiration: January can seem to drag on interminably. The days are short and cold, rain needles your skin every time you step outside, and the sky is a grey emblem of misery.

But January means that the winter cold is nearly at an end. The flowers lie beneath the ground, with crocuses and daffodils almost ready to push their way to the surface. Spring waits just around the corner, so close that you can practically taste it on the chill air.

What better time to plan ahead and prepare your garden for the milder months that loom on the horizon? If you need some renovation inspiration, then here are a few ideas that you might like to try …

Further Reading: 6 Ways to Make The Most of Your Back Garden

How to Spruce Up Your Garden in Time for Spring

How to Spruce Up Your Garden #1 – Plan Your Flower Beds

Although January may not be the optimal time of year for planting, it’s never too early to start planning out your flowerbeds. You have weeks to devote to doing your research, working out which blooms flower when, and deciding upon colour choices and fragrances. To really help you start feeling excited about spring, you might want to sketch out a plan of your garden, which you can fill in with drawing pencils to help you refine your colour palettes and layout.

How to Spruce Up Your Garden in Time for Spring

How to Spruce Up Your Garden #2 – Consider Adding a Vegetable Patch

Organic food is all the rage right now, and many people find that they adore the thrill of growing their own fruit and vegetables in their garden. Thankfully, January is the perfect time to start making plans, and deciding whether or not you’d like to invest in a greenhouse to widen your growing choices. If you don’t mind waiting a little longer for your ideas to bear fruit, you might even want to consider creating your own orchard, with apples, plums, and damsons all relatively easy to grow in Ireland and the UK.

Further Reading: Sustainable Living – My Vegepod Review – Grow Your Own Food

How to Spruce Up Your Garden in Time for Spring

How to Spruce Up Your Garden #3 – Create an Outdoor Den

If you have the space, it can also be pleasant to create your own outdoor area for sitting and enjoying the sun all year round. You can purchase a basic shed relatively inexpensively, and all it takes is the addition of some comfortable chairs, beanbags, a faux fur throw or two, and some LED lights to brighten things up. Once completed, you’ll have the perfect place to escape to, where you can sit back and watch the sunset at the end of those long, hot summer days.

How will you choose to transform your garden?

How to Spruce Up Your Garden in Time for Spring

Written by: Kerri Katz. Kerri is a freelance writer who loves to share her experiences and ideas on anything travel or lifestyle related.

*Images courtesy of Shutterstock

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