Top 4 Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work

You’ll be hard pressed to find a married couple that believes that their marriage could end at some stage when they are exchanging their vows. Nobody walks down the aisle to join the love of their life in marriage to find out that divorce is the end goal.

The thing is, no matter how old you are, when you get married, you grow together, but unfortunately, and heartbreakingly, sometimes that means growing apart.

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work - The Life of Stuff

The best marriages have problems and people work around them because they’re willing to understand that marriage takes work. The thing is, when it comes to the stage where you’re considering a family lawyer to help you to dissolve everything, you’re already at the end of your marital relationship. Before you get there though, it’s important to recognise the top signs that your marriage needs help to make it work.

If I get married, I want to be very married.’

– Audrey Hepburn

The take home: you can either choose to work on your marriage, or you can choose to move on. Here are the top four signs your marriage needs help:

Top 4 Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work #1

The Physical Side of Things has Gone Out the Window

One of the surest signs to know that your marriage needs help, is a lack of physical intimacy. Almost everybody will agree that physical intimacy plays a big role in any relationship, as it’s one of the top ways to express empathy, love, and an amazing bond.

Physical contact and intimacy, of course, isn’t just about what happens in the bedroom, but wanting to touch your partner or hug them, or kiss them when you walk past them in the morning. These simple signs of affection are hugely important. Touch deprivation is a good sign that our marriage has taken a left turn, and needs to be centered again.

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work - Respect and Affection

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work #2

You No Longer Show Respect for One Another

Losing respect for your spouse is a big thing. It’s a big red flag that your marriage is in trouble.

If you don’t respect your partner, or feel a lack of respect from them then you need to get to the root of these feelings quickly – before it resentment and hurt becomes irreversible.

Marriage is based on respect and love, and when there is a loss of mutual respect, the foundations from which the institution of marriage is built upon becomes unstable. Get help by talking and then talking some more, visit a marriage counsellor if it helps, and build back up the blocks of a healthy marriage.

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work #3

You are Constantly Arguing

There really shouldn’t be any good reason to be constantly arguing with your spouse in a healthy marriage. In fact, you should be working to find solutions to problems together, as both of you are against the problem.

If you find yourself constantly fighting or having arguments instead of trying to work things out, or communicating properly, it’s a good sign that your marriage needs help. Of course, even the healthiest of couples are going to argue from time to time because you are still two individual people trying to move forward together. But it’s how you move on from those arguments that counts.

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work - the five c's of marriage

Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work #4

You are No Longer Able to Compromise

Compromise is a big deal in a marriage because there are going to be many occasions where one of you will have to adapt to accommodate the other person’s feelings or actions.

Of course, compromises have to be legit and above board. Nobody should be compromising for the actions of a narcissist, and nobody should be compromising if somebody cheats. However, if you both are too rigid, the result will always lead to dysfunction in the marriage.

If you ever ask those in healthy long relationships, they will always tell you love, respect and compromise! Remember the ‘Five C’s of Marriage’:

  1. Communication
  2. Compatibility
  3. Commitment
  4. Care
  5. Compromise

Photo by Ionela Mat

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Signs Your Marriage Needs Help to Make it Work - The Life of Stuff

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