Beauty Fix – The Body Shop’s New Vitamin C Glow Range

Vitamin C Glow Moisturiser  & Vitamin C Instant Glow Enhancer 

Beauty Fix - The Body Shop's New Vitamin C Glow Range

So I got my hands on The Body Shop‘s latest addition to its Vitamin C range, Vitamin C Glow Moisturiser and Vitamin C Instant Glow Enhancer and I have to say I love them … #HelloHappySkin

Vitamin C Glow Moisturiser RRP €21.50

This glow boosting moisturiser that promises to hydrate dull, tired and grumpy skin is right up my street. The fresh and fruity but subtle smell of the moisturiser as you open the 50ml pot would make anyone want to lash it onto their skin immediately … and as you can see from my photo above it seems to radiate light even from the pot! It’s light and dried into my skin without any stickiness, leaving it silky smooth … sure what’s not to love about that?! Perfect as a pick me up in the morning. I’m hooked and it will never last the recommended use by date of 12 months.

Vitamin C Instant Glow Enhancer RRP €22.00

The instant glow enhancer comes in half the size of the moisturiser and measures in at 25ml.  It’s an instant glow enhancer and like the moisturiser it dries quickly with no stickiness and leaves your skin silky soft. Unlike the moisturiser the enhancer has a very subtle tint to leave your skin rosy and glowing. It comes in a very handy tube that’s perfect for popping into your bag for glowing touch ups throughout the day. Again there is a recommended use by date of 12 months on the Vitamin C Instant Glow Enhancer but I really can’t see it lasting that long in my delighted possession.

Want to know more? Have a read here (click to zoom)

Beauty Fix - The Body Shop's New Vitamin C Glow RangeWant a Doctors opinion? Have a read here …

Beauty Fix - The Body Shop's New Vitamin C Glow Range


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