Getting Fit – How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You

Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You Getting Fit

You will look and feel better if you live an active lifestyle. Someone who is relatively fit will find it easier to stay healthy as they get older, and some people have found that they even age more slowly if they maintain a good fitness level. In fact, you have a lower chance of getting chronic, age-related health conditions. 

However, everyone has to start somewhere. And there are numerous roadblocks that you can face to even get started!

Then once you do, there’s the struggle to stay motivated to hit your goals, or the lack of a sustainable plan which can ultimately lead to burnout and the temptation to abandon your fitness journey before it’s really begun.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the issues you can encounter, the best ways to handle them head-on, and ways to help you create and achieve your fitness goals and keep moving.

Get Fit - How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You - The Wrong Wear

The Wrong Wear

First, you should consider whether your exercise clothing choices are the issue. If you don’t have the right footwear, running can be a painful nightmare. Resources like lookbooks offer great advice on the most comfortable footwear for working out. You might also want to think about the type of clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident.

You shouldn’t be trying to get fit because you’re worried about what other people think. However, if you find workout clothes that look great and feel fantastic, you’re more likely to put everything you have into reaching your goal.

Get Fit - How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You - No Motivation

No Motivation

Perhaps the greatest challenge that you face here is that you simply lack the motivation to get fit. Maybe, you need to think about how to encourage yourself to complete the workout. There are numerous ways that you can do this. For example, you could simply go to the gym. If you hit the gym, then you’ll have people around you. So there might be a better chance of you completing your workout, and eventually reaching your max potential.

Alternatively, you could think about using supplements. There are supplements that will provide you with the boost in motivation that you need. While supplements do sometimes have a bad reputation, it’s possible to get natural products on the market. These may help give you a fresh surge of energy but should never be used as an alternative to a good diet and a smart exercise plan.

The Importance of Setting Achievable Goals

There are plenty of good reasons to get fit, and one of the best reasons is so that you can feel more healthy. However, if you want to get the most out of your workouts, then you will need to set a more concrete goal than simply “getting fit.”

If you don’t set goals, it’s impossible to track your progress and see how well you’re doing. Without being able to track how your fitness is progressing, it’s difficult to keep motivated. People like to see concrete results from their effort, so you need to have something to reach for before you can achieve it. 

You also need to set small, achievable goals, especially at the beginning of your fitness journey. This gives you the early boost you need to keep pushing yourself. If you have a larger goal, then break it up into more manageable parts and reach for those.

Get Fit - How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You - Is it the Cost

Is It The Cost?

One aspect of losing weight and getting in shape that is often overlooked is the cost. It’s not cheap to get fit. For instance, starting a new diet – healthy food is actually more expensive and there are socioeconomic reasons for issues like obesity in the world today. Sad as it may be – it’s a great deal cheaper to buy processed fast food for a family of four, rather than a good wholesome meal filled with the right nutrients and minerals.

Then there’s the gym. Research suggests that when you workout at the gym, you are more likely to achieve your fitness goals. Unfortunately, a gym membership is going to add to your monthly costs. Or, if you choose to workout at home, then you’ll have to buy the right exercise equipment. There’s no way of getting around the cost of getting fit. Instead, you’ll need to juggle and rebalance your budget to ensure that it does fit in properly.

Get Fit - How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You - Liquid Diet

Previous Failures

You might find that the reason you’re struggling with getting fit is that you’ve tried and failed before. This can be disheartening, to say the least and it can put you off trying again for life. Particularly, if you put a lot of effort in and saw absolutely no results.

However, if this is the case, then the likelihood is that you were trying the wrong tactics for getting in shape. It’s easy to get hooked on fads or carried away on ideas that aren’t going to pay off in the long term. There are numerous examples of this including liquid diets. Liquid diets are dangerous and since they don’t tend to provide the right nutrients and vitamins, will never offer everything that you need to burn fat and ensure that you lose weight.

Your Diet

Another way that you can achieve your fitness goals is to change your diet. Your food is your fuel, and it provides the energy and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. 

If you have certain fitness goals, then your food will add to that. For example, meals for weight loss provide complete, convenient meals with all of the nutrients that your body needs, while cutting down on calories. This makes it easier for you to lose weight while still feeling satisfied with your meals. Specific nutrients like protein and certain vitamins can also boost your exercise gains by helping you to build and maintain muscle.

Get Fit - How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You - Family Work Out

Time Is Tough

Finally, you could find that the thing stopping you from getting fit is the most precious resource that we have: time. It’s possible that there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to work out and focus on your family while staying on top of your business commitments. If this is the case, we recommend exploring exercise options that are going to fit into a busy lifestyle. For instance, you can explore desk yoga. As the name suggests, this is yoga that you will be able to complete at your desk. We think you’ll agree that’s a fantastic idea.

Alternatively, you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine naturally. For instance, you might want to think about walking to work rather than driving if it’s a reasonable distance. Perhaps a family workout would work after school. Or, you could just get up a little earlier for some squats and yoga before you leave.

Focus Your Workouts

A benefit to setting specific goals for yourself is that you can tailor your workout regime to hit your goals more efficiently. Any exercise is better than nothing, but if you’re trying to get a specific look or to exercise certain muscles, then some exercises are better than others for your goals. 

Regular exercise is also important, and you should include time to rest your body and muscles. This will again make your goals less overwhelming, and resting can improve your endurance. 

We hope this helps you conquer some of the key challenges that could be stopping you from getting fit.

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Getting Fit - How to Break Through the Roadblocks Stopping You - The Life of Stuff

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