10 Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift

Give Your Home a Facelift

When considering making a few changes around the house, one can start to feel a bit overwhelmed with the options facing you. Where do you start? What will make the biggest difference? Of all the things to give some TLC to, you should start by thinking about what hasn’t received attention for the longest time?

Upgrading your home doesn’t have to be a complicated project. You can find ways of sprucing up your home quickly and effectively. There’s no need to break the bank. Making your home look its best while on a budget is very possible.

Here are ten upgrades in and around the house that will give your home an instant facelift and make you fall in love with your house all over again.

10 Upgrades In and Around the House that will Give Your Home a Facelift

The Interiors

There are always obvious choices to turn to, like an upgrade in the kitchen or something new in the living room. Still, there are also many things that may seem inconspicuous at first but will make the most significant difference to your home’s appearance. Here are just four of the ten ways you can give your home a facelift by upgrading its interiors.

Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - Paint the rooms

Give Your Home a Facelift #1

Paint the Rooms

An easy and fun way in which you can make any room look brand new is by painting it. A fresh coat of paint has a way of making even the dullest interiors come alive.

Whether you paint it in a new colour or you use the same colour that you had before, taking the time to give any room in your home a fresh coat of paint is one of the best ways to quickly make your home look fresh.

If you do decide to change the colour of the room then your best course of action is to do a spot test on at least two walls of the room (how the light hits the room can often determine how the colour appears).

Paint a small area of the wall in the colour you want and then let it dry. Come back a few hours later and check how the colour looks when dry – in both natural and artificial light. This approach will help you make your final decision.

Further Reading: 5 Simple Style Changes To Give Your Home with Photowall IE

Give Your Home a Facelift #2

Change the Curtains

Changing the curtains in a room is a good way to change the look of a room quickly as well. Curtains come in a variety of colours and patterns, which makes them one of the most effective means of making a statement in your home.

It’s essential to look at the overall decor of the room to decide which colours (or patterns) you want to use. Pick colours that match the paint in the room, the colour of the furnishings as well as the artwork.

This will help you to select the right colours and fabric. You can then get made to measure curtains that are customised for your needs.

Give Your Home a Facelift #3

Paint, Re-Stain, and Re-Upholster Furniture

If your furniture is looking less than spectacular then there are some steps you can take to make them look pristine again.

The first thing you can do is reupholster your furniture. Nothing gives more life to an old piece of furnishing. The difference will be dramatic.

Another thing you can do is paint or restain furniture that may be looking a bit drab.

Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - Bathroom

Give Your Home a Facelift #4

The ‘Guest’ Bathroom

Not everyone has the option of a ‘guest bathroom’ and in many households the guest bathroom is in fact the household or family bathroom. Either way, a tidy and good-looking bathroom for guests to use is important.

Taking the time to put some effort into the appearance of your guest bathroom instantly shows friends and family that although it might only be a ‘necessary’ room guests pop into while visiting but it’s a wonderful kind of necessary room.

Further Reading: When Your Space Feels Too Small – 4 Top Tips on What to Do

The Exteriors

From adding plantation shutters to the windows to replacing the roof, there are plenty of ways you can add value to your home and give it a fresh look – because after all, you are living there and why wouldn’t you want it to look beautiful!

With this in mind, we’ve put together some of those home exterior uplifts that can really give your home a facelift.

Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - Front Door

Give Your Home a Facelift #5

The Front Door

This is where all your guests enter your house and also where you greet them. Your front door is literally the doorway to the rest of your home, so it should look well – taken care of and neat. The front door can endure some wear and tear over time and sometimes start to swell or crack due to the years of being used continuously.

Getting a new front door for your house can give your home a fresh new look and provide an impeccable first impression when guests come over to visit. There are plenty of options to choose from when looking at a new front door – some with intricate details, some made almost entirely out of glass, and some fitting a more simple elegance style.

A glass door has a very modern look and allows ample natural light into your home, whereas double doors give a more dramatic effect. The most important thing to remember when choosing a front door is to make sure it’s the right style for the style of your house.

Further Reading: You Can Have A Beautiful Home With Kids, Here’s How

Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - Garden

Give Your Home a Facelift #6

Have the Roof Inspected

Replacing a roof can cost a lot of money, but a roof that’s halfway through its life may not even need to be replaced. It might just need a good pressure wash and a couple of tiles repaired. The gutters around your home at the base of your roof also need to be cleaned out properly if you hope to make sure that your roof is in good condition. Sometimes they might need to be replaced.

Certain areas of the roof may end up with more wear and tear than others, especially depending on the direction in which it’s facing. For example, if your home is facing south – where the sun comes up, then you may end up with the front of your roof being bleached to a different colour compared to the back of your roof. On the opposite side, the side of your roof that doesn’t get as much sun could end up with more algae – which is best to remove during the drier weather months of spring and summer.

Give Your Home a Facelift #7

Pressure Wash the Exterior

There is a satisfying feeling watching all the dirt from the walls of your home rinse down into the gutters. Some people spend hours watching cleaning videos on social media of other people pressure washing dirty floors or even rugs.

For the best results, you want to make sure that you have your home washed at least once a year. Think of the battering your house takes with all the weather, mud, rain and splatter. When it comes to the equipment you purchase, a decent pressure washer doesn’t have to be massively expensive, you could even rent one. Or hire a company to come and do it for you, especially if you have a two or three story home, or you’re nervous about stripping any of the render off.

Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - Wash the exterior walls and doors

Give Your Home a Facelift #8

Fix up Your Exterior Lighting

A good way to give your exterior a good facelift is by fixing up the lighting options that you currently have. Whether it’s replacing the light bulbs or replacing the globes on the outside of the light.

You want to illuminate your front yard and create a warm and welcoming glow for your guests. Improving your lighting also creates that sense of safety. Motion sensor lights around the driveway, for example, aren’t particularly expensive, and they’re very useful during the winter months when you leave for work or school in the dark and often return home in the dusk.

Give Your Home a Facelift #9

The Garden

Your garden can be a piece of art if you invest a bit of time and imagination into it. Even if you’re more of an indoor type of person, a beautiful and luscious garden will be the cherry on top of your already beautiful home. Upgrading your garden can be a fun and exciting project to tackle, and the opportunities of what you can do are endless.

Start by doing some research and getting ideas of what you would like to have in a new and improved front garden or backyard. Also, have a look at the plants and flowers that you want to incorporate into your garden, such as the amount of sunlight they need, whether they’re bee and butterfly-friendly, how big they grow and how easy or hard they are to maintain.

When you have all the research behind you, you can get started with the fun part – taking an ordinary patch of grass and converting it into a sanctuary! Once you’ve had a peek at the countless options you can apply to your garden, you won’t be able to suppress the urge to get started immediately. And if gardening isn’t your thing, then you could always call in the landscapers!

Further Reading: Add a Splash of Colour to your Garden using Flowering Trees and Shrubs

Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - Garden GAte

Give Your Home a Facelift #10

The Garage Doors and/or Garden Gate

Your garden gate and/or garage doors are also aspects of your home that take a beating over the years from the elements, constant use, and the usual wear and tear.

In time, the wood could start to swell, the paint chip away, or lose its vibrance due to the sun’s harsh rays. Garden gates and garage doors are usually at the front of your house and can be seen by anyone who drives past, which is why attending to them can really have a significant effect on the overall appearance of your home’s exterior.

Believe it or not, but there are also loads of options to choose from when looking at new garage doors, just like a front door. The usual five types of garage doors include wood, aluminum, glass, fiberglass, and wood composite garage doors. This is a project you’ll need some professional assistance with, so be sure to do some research in order to find the top rated garage door company.

Further Reading: 5 Top Tips for Creating the Perfect Bedroom Space

Upgrading the look of your home does not have to be difficult. And many of the projects discussed here can be used as DIY projects if you enjoy doing them.

Painting is something many homeowners manage to do on their own. Another type of project that may lend itself to DIY is the re-staining of furniture. You may need to get someone to help you with the other upgrades but planned and researched correctly – these projects shouldn’t break the bank.

Again, these are just ten of the many ways you can upgrade your home in a unique yet effective way – let your imagination run wild! The opportunities are endless, and the satisfaction of a project completed, is a feeling like none other.

Photos by Phil Hearing – CCO Licence

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10 Worthwhile Upgrades That Will Give Your Home a Facelift - The Life of Stuff

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