5 Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

As a business, making more eco-friendly changes can not only help cut your carbon footprint but can also be an effective marketing tool. According to a recent survey, 70% of European consumers said they would rather buy from a company with known sustainability initiatives and who are committed to making greener changes to how they operate their business. This statistic underscores the growing market demand for sustainable businesses.

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - The Life of Stuff.com

With this in mind, where exactly do you start in making your business more sustainable? There are plenty of options you can choose from; however, the key to sustainability is how sustainable these changes are going to be for your business and how you will proceed. For instance, you could start by reducing paper waste, encouraging employees to use public transport, or switching to energy-efficient lighting.

These changes not only benefit your business but also contribute to a healthier environment. You want to make small changes first and build up slowly. Once one change has become common practice and second nature, introduce another and then another until you reach your goals.

In terms of changes you can make, these ideas can be great options to implement for increased impact.

5 Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - Cardboard and Paper not Plastic

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly #1

Cardboard and Paper, Not Plastic

Switching your packaging to cardboard or even paper wrapping from plastic alternatives can allow you to reduce your plastic consumption and ensure that all materials you use are able to be reused or recycled when received by the customer.

From cardboard boxes for packaging for shipments and paper bags, you can reduce the amount of single-use plastic you give out when people make purchases. Looking for recycled options for both your paper and cardboard needs will further increase your eco credentials and ensure you’re reducing waste and resources, too.

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - Recycle

Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly #2


Recycling as much as possible can allow you to make sure you are reducing waste and not contributing to landfill issues. The more stuff that gets thrown away, the bigger the problem becomes, and committing to recycling everything you can, from paper, metals, plastic, cardboard, and electronics, can allow you to ensure that you are as eco-friendly as possible when it comes to the waste you produce.

Of course, reducing your waste is the best way to avoid this issue, but zero waste isn’t always possible 100% of the time. Recycling is your next best option, and using as many recycled products as possible helps conserve resources and reduce pollution.

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - Use less energy and water

Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly #3

Use Less Energy and Water

Reducing your energy consumption and lowering your water consumption can be a free and easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Switching to automatic lighting so the lights turn off when a person leaves an area is a great place to start, as it uses LED bulbs instead of standard bulbs. Collecting and using rainwater where possible can help lower water usage and bills, too. These changes not only help the environment but also save you money in the long run, making sustainability a smart business decision.

Put policies in place that encourage all employees or users of your premises to turn the electrics off when not in use, unplug appliances and battery chargers from the sockets and turn them off, and always turn the lights off when leaving a room.

To further increase your energy-saving initiatives, you can choose your electricity from a supplier that uses green energy, such as wind or solar, so you can rely more on renewable energy sources over non-sustainable options.

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - choose green suppliers and partners

Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly #4

Choose Green Suppliers and Partners

While we touched upon using sustainable energy providers in the above points, working with all of your suppliers and partners who have eco-initiatives can allow you to make bigger maps as you know that they, too, are committed to the same cause as you. Ask them what they are doing to commit to a lower carbon footprint and if they have a manifesto. If these values align with those of your company, then they can be a great fit. However, if they don’t have anything in place, then they might negate all of the efforts you are making.

Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - go paperless

Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly #5

Go Paperless

Lastly, moving towards being entirely paperless can be an excellent way to reduce waste and use fewer resources. Going digital means that you can forgo having to print out documents or send letters, thus reducing the amount of paper and printing accessories you need to purchase. This, in turn, saves you money, produces less waste, and makes you more efficient.

There are many ways your business can become eco-friendly without cutting corners or compromising. Remember to implement changes slowly and progressively, starting with small changes and then working towards bigger, more impactful changes. This approach ensures that sustainability becomes a part of your business’s DNA, making it an achievable and sustainable goal.

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Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly - The Life of Stuff

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