Newborn Baby Time for The Life of Stuff
Tomorrow marks our (Patrick and my) baby’s official due date but if you are Mom or Dad already you will know that if baby hasn’t arrived already, there is a slim chance he or she will arrive into this world on their actual due date and may decide to make his/her grand entrance much later. I’ve been told that most first time mother’s do go past their due date. I’m also advised that as long as both baby and I are healthy with no sign of complications then our Doctor will let baby bake a little longer. Most hospitals in Ireland will allow an extra 10 days and others up to 14 days before you are induced, this is where different techniques are used to bring on contractions. Of course I am hoping for a natural birth but I am also eager for a healthy baby and safe birth too so my options are open and my spirit is calm
When it comes to the materialistic things and baby stuff, preparing for our newborn baby has actually been quite fun for us. We have saved and shopped for all the nursery items and baby essentials we feel we will need to make our roles as new parents a little easier. We are also blessed to have such caring and generous parents and families who have helped us with our shopping lists by means of gifts, these have helped us without a doubt.
My sister who is mother to a gorgeous three-year old girl and handsome one-year old boy has been my guru in all things baby which has also been a blessing. If you are a first time mum, I hope for you that you have someone like this to turn to for advice. If you don’t, don’t worry there are lots of parenting forums and online communities available to you and once baby comes along – get yourself down to your local ‘Mother & Baby/Toddler Meet-Up’ – don’t let yourself feel isolated!
My own mother was amazed with all the bits and bobs, nursery and baby stuff we have. Not that it is too much. Not at all, we’ve been wise in our shopping selections, however she reminded me that when I was brought home (I was the first-born) she made a cot for me out of a blanket box and pillows … 35 years later it’s a much different story for most of us!
Over the course of time I will be featuring reviews on The Life of Stuff on baby/toddler products I’ve bought, those I use and those I recommend. Right now I could tell you where we purchased our cot, glider, nursing chair, clothing, changing unit etc but they haven’t been tested so it seems a little pointless.
For now what I will share with you is that Patrick and I are having a Boy! … we are nervous but extremely excited to meet this little fella of ours. We have his name chosen, which we will share with you in due course.
Both my and baby’s suitcases are packed and waiting. We have his first outfit and his first teddy bear. His cot is made, Moses basket ready, the car seat is waiting and we are ready to become parents.
Wish us luck !
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