Parenting Tips – 5 Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys!

5 Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys

Toys, toys and more toys. From Christmas to birthdays, special treats to ‘well done’s’ – it can feel like your child’s bedroom is just a magnet for stuff. Endless piles and boxes of toys, dolls, cars, bits of plastic and some things that they’ve probably never even played with properly. You might go through the endless piles of plastic and donate and regift some items, but it barely scrapes the surface … so, what’s the answer?

Well, if you’re struggling to get rid of what they currently have, you just need to simply limit what they get in the future. And let your parents and family members know too. Here, you’ll find some great gifts for kids that aren’t toys.

Parenting Tips – 5 Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys!

Parenting Tips - Five Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys! - Invest in their Future

Gifts for Kids #1 – Invest in their Future

What could be better than the gift that keeps on giving? Sure, they might not be able to play with an invest piece or a nest egg – but when they’re older, they’ll certainly appreciate it! Do a bit of research and maybe even club together with family and friends to find something that increases in value over time.

Parenting Tips - Five Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys! - Dress Up - The Life of Stuff

Gifts for Kids #2 – Dress Up

Who doesn’t love dressing up? It’s the best way to stimulate and develop your little ones imagination! Your child might already have costumes in their toy box – the outfits of their favourite princesses or superheroes, but I’m talking about real dressing up clothes! Have a look through your old wardrobe and see what you can donate. Old hats, tops, dresses, trousers, aprons, shoes, old jewellery, scarves, odd socks. If you’re struggling for items, then head to your local charity shop to see what you can find! You might even find an old wedding dress or two!

Further Reading: 10 Beautiful Cultural and Educational Movies for Small Children

Parenting Tips - Five Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys! - Magazine Subscription

Gifts for Kids #3 – A Magazine Subscription

This gift is a lovely idea in so many ways. If there’s a certain topic they’re interested in, then this is a good way to encourage it. It also helps them with their reading skills, it’ll keep them busy with activities and if you subscribe for 6 months or a year then it’s something for them to look forward to each month! Kids love getting mail!

Parenting Tips - Five Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys! - Kids Club

Gifts for Kids #4 – Classes or Clubs

Is there a particular skill or club that your child wants to learn or join? From swimming lessons to dance clubs, there’s a huge range of classes and activities out there that will keep them busy and widen their world. Cooking lessons, art classes, dancing, acting, horse riding – even fishing! Whatever they are in to, you can encourage their interests and it’s a great way for you to bond together.

Further Reading: Kids Health – 10 Reasons Children Should Wear Sunglasses

Parenting Tips - Five Gifts for Kids that Aren’t Toys! - Music

Gifts for Kids #5 – A Musical Instrument

The day your child comes home with a recorder is one of both joy and dread! But if your little one enjoys making music, then why not inspire them to follow their dream. You could start off small if your recipient is only little, something like egg shakers, a triangle or tambourine – if they’re older then look at a guitar or a violin. And if you’re buying for a child who isn’t your own – maybe it’s best to ask their parents’ permission before you buy them a drum kit!

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