Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne Perfume

Jo Browne Natural Solid Perfume

If you’re a reader of The Life of Stuff, you should know a number of things about me: I write about my travels, I share my experiences on living sustainably and I’m a big supporter of Irish businesses and the Arts. Taking these little ‘knows’ about me, it only made sense that Joanne Browne’s solid perfume creations “Jo Browne” would catch my attention.

Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne

… And here’s why …

  • Jo Browne perfumes and men’s cologne smell divine.
  • Jo Browne products are blended by hand, poured individually so all the freshness is packed into each perfume/cologne and because all the ingredients are natural can take up to six months to make.
  • As mentioned, the ingredients used in each product are always natural and the beeswax used is always organic.
  • You won’t find any nasties in Jo Browne perfumes or cologne. That means no Phenoxyethanol, Parabens, Petrochemicals, SLS (sodium laurel sulfate), Artificial Colours, Lanolin or GMO ingredients.
  • Each Jo Browne perfume and cologne is packed in bamboo tube packaging which is natural and sustainably grown.
  • As each perfume and cologne is solid so this means that you can pop it in your carry-on bag when flying, or in your purse when out and about.

So let’s summarise – Jo Browne is travel friendly, eco-friendly and Irish – a perfect match for The Life of Stuff!

Would you like to know more about Joanne Browne and her perfume empire? I caught up with her to ask her a handful of questions which I’m sharing with you below.

Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne

Joanne Browne is the founder and creator of Jo Browne Natural Solid perfume. She is a qualified Reflexologist, Holistic Therapist, Mother and Business Woman. Starting off by selling her creations in local fairs, the Jo Browne brand can now be purchased nationwide is select pharmacies, health stores and salons, and through her website. Inspirational!

Q&A’s with Irish Perfumer Joanne Browne

1. What was your inspiration to become a perfumer?

I always had a love of solid perfume, but could never find any to purchase, so with my holistic background and working with essential oils, I decided one day in 2013 to start making my own solid perfume.

Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne
Female – Floral Note

2. How did you officially become a perfumer (and set up your own brand)?

Making perfume is a demystify, it’s a craft that you can adjust to or not. When you make a perfume, you create a structure around three notes. You get a top, middle and a base note. Creating a distinctive smell is down to what kind of scent you want in a perfume. The base note needs to be right as this scent will stay, when all other notes have faded. The first scent you smell in a Jo Browne perfume or cologne is the top note working its magic. Then base notes come in, so getting all this right is an act of plenty trail and error.

As a self-taught perfumer the good news is that once you understand the basic concepts, (this took 3 years of hard work and plenty of patience.) its plenty of trail and error after that.

Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne
Female – Sweet Note

3. Where do you take creative inspiration from for your work?

Taking Notes, I have so many folders here with different blends of perfumes I like,, For three years I filled 10 folders and also did an aromatherpy course, but really it’s all self-taught. It’s all about making a combination of different blends and testing. Each fragrance can take up to six months to get right. It is essential to let the scents settle and develop among themselves.

Thinking for a name for your brand can be so hard and I had to make sure my business name was not so obscure, customers will never know what it means. So choosing my own name Jo Browne makes the company more transparent and personal, it’s like saying I’m always going to be available for whomever needs me and also it’s nice to see a person behind the brand. One thing I always said if I am launching Jo Browne, the branding needs to be perfect and recognisable, and different from other brands out there.

Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne
Male – Oriental Note

4. Your brand is available to buy in stores nationwide and online but where would you ultimately love to see your brand sell?

I would love for Jo Browne to be sold world-wide and in Airports because it’s so travel friendly. The packaging for each solid perfume and cologne is bamboo, as this gives the look of eco-friendly and modernity.

Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne
Male – Woody Note

5. What’s the dream for Jo Browne? and how do you aim to achieve it (new products etc)

The Dream of Jo Browne is to become a recognised Brand world-wide.

Very exciting times ahead Jo Browne will be launching a new product in early 2017, it will also be a very unique product. There’s plenty of testing on here at the moment!


For more information on Jo Browne, to shop or connect visit the:

Jo Browne Wesbite | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Irish Perfumer: Questions and Answers with Joanne of Jo Browne Perfume

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