Top Tips to Save Money to Fund Your Travels
Travelling is a great way to spend your time and money, but opportunities don’t come around often. Instead, you have to save money and make the opportunities available to you.
While saving for travels may seem like a pipe dream, it is possible for anyone with commitment and the determination to explore the world. If you are eager to travel but need to find a way to fund it all, here are some top tips to help you get started.
Save Money to Fund Your Travels Top Tip #1
Track Your Money
The best way to start saving money is to become aware of your current spending habits. And the best way to do this is by tracking your money.
Not many people realise just how much money they spend per month, and the saving potential they have if they make a few small changes. Tracking is the first step to becoming financially responsible.
Take some time to go through all of your accounts and write everything down on paper, or in a spreadsheet. This includes your utility bills, direct debits, subscriptions, food shop, petrol, as well as things that you spend your money on, such as eating out, going to the cinema, etc. You’re not doing this to judge or be hard on yourself, just to bring about more awareness.
Further Reading: 6 Super Ways Sustainable Living Can Save You Money
Save Money to Fund Your Travels Top Tip #2
Cut Down On Costs
Now that you have a better awareness of your finances and understand where your money goes each month, you can start to consider cutting down on some of your spending, to increase the amount you can save each month.
First, take a look at your monthly outgoings, and consider what you are happy to give up. This could be an old subscriptions that you don’t use, reducing eating out a day or two, and more. Depending on how much money you want to save, and how quickly, you can increase the amount by taking further steps, such as:
- Take time to plan your meals so you don’t eat out and you only buy the ingredients that you need.
- Look at deals and compare prices before shopping anywhere.
- Cut out anything unnecessary.
The key is to check your habits and be honest with yourself and your spending habits. You can then work out how much you can save each month, and what changes you can make that will increase the amount.
But remember – don’t cut everything out! Life is for living and you want this saving boost to be sustainable. If it isn’t sustainable it won’t last!
Further Reading: How to Rent Out Your Place While You Travel in 3 Steps
Save Money to Fund Your Travels Top Tip #3
Sell Your Unwanted Stuff
If you have old items lying around your house that are not doing anything and don’t hold any sentimental value to you, then why not consider selling them? This can be a real saving boost, especially if you are considering travelling long term, as you probably won’t need the things you’re considering getting rid of anyway! Plus it’s a great way to cut down on clutter, and who wants to pay for extra storage anyway!
Selling your items is a great way to boost your savings and get you closer to achieving your goals of travelling the world.
Take an honest look at items in your house, and see what you can sell. If you have any items such as phones, tablets, laptops, or earphones, these can easily be sold on websites such as GadgetGoGo.
Further Reading: Treasure Hunting 101: Where to Find Old and Unwanted Items to Sell for Cash
If you can commit to understanding your money, cutting down on costs, and increasing your funds, then you’ll be travelling the world in no time!
Photos by Taylor Simpson – CCO Licence
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