Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts that Keep on Giving

Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts

This year unlike years in the past where I put together lists of my favourite gifts for him and her, and even your pet – I’ve decided to put together somewhat of a different listings for you. This Top Ten Irish Christmas Gift listing is for everyone. But particularly for those who have Kris Kindle gifts to buy. Whether it’s for a colleague, between your friends or for your family.

Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts for 2015

Kris Kindle gifts normally have a cut off spend of about €20. Sometimes they are gifts that are thrown together last minute. And often they are gifts that end up in bottom drawers or dare I say it … bottom of the bin! This Kris Kindle gift list does not suffer any of the above. In fact it’s full of gift ideas for gifts that keep on giving.

Making a Change with Your Kris Kindle

Instead of buying something crap this Christmas as a Kris Kindle, buy something worthwhile. HELP make a difference and consider making your Kris Kindle gift purchase a donation.

The listing is in no particular order and in most cases will cost you what you can afford or a minimum of €25. I’ve included all the links you need to make a purchase. How you present your gift (donation) is up to you. But a card with a note is probably the easiest and most effective way.

The Simon Communities

Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts for 2015

“The Simon Communities throughout Ireland provide the best possible care, accommodation and support for people experiencing homelessness and those at risk. Together, with people who are homeless, Simon tackles the root causes, promotes innovative responses and urges the government to fulfil their commitments.

Simon delivers support and service to over 5,000 individuals and families who experience – or are at risk of – homelessness on an annual basis.

The Simon Communities of Ireland is an affiliation of local Communities in Cork, Dublin, Dundalk, Galway, the Midlands, the Mid West, the North West and the South East.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

Focus Ireland

Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts for 2015

“Focus Ireland works with people who are homeless or are at risk of losing their homes across Ireland.

We offer individuals, and families, advice, support, education and housing to help people to have and keep a home. We believe that everyone has a right to a place they can call home and we campaign to address the causes of homelessness.

Focus Ireland aims to advance the right of people who are homeless to live in a place they can call home, through quality services, research and advocacy.

Focus Ireland believes that everyone has a right to a place they can call home.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

Women’s Aid

Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts for 2015

“Women’s Aid is a leading national organisation that has been working in Ireland to stop domestic violence against women and children since 1974.

We work to make women and children safe from domestic violence, offer support, provide hope to women affected by abuse and work for justice and social change. Over the course of 40 years the organisation has built up a huge body of experience and expertise on the issue, enabling us to best support women and children and share this knowledge with other agencies responding to women experiencing domestic violence.

Our Direct Services for women experiencing domestic violence underpin and inform all of our work to end domestic violence.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

Irish Men’s Sheds Association

Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts for 2015

“The Irish Men’s Sheds Association was set up in January 2011 with the purpose of supporting the development and sustainability of Men’s Sheds on the Island of Ireland.

The Irish Men’s Shed Association will work towards a future where all men have the opportunity to improve and maintain their health and well-being by participating in a community Men’s Shed.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.


Top Ten Irish Kris Kindle Gifts for 2015

“Barnardos’ vision is an Ireland where childhood is valued and all children and young people are cherished equally.

Their “mission is to challenge and support families, communities, society and government to make Ireland the best place in the world to be a child, focusing specifically on children and young people whose well-being is under threat.

At the heart of our work in Barnardos is a set of core values which inform every aspect of our services, policies and practices.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

Belong To

The Life of Stuff - Belong To

“BeLonG To is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) young people, aged between 14 and 23.

Our Mission is to provide safe and fun services to LGBT young people across Ireland, which:

  • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth
  • Enable them to access their rights as equal citizens
  • Empower then to participate as agents in positive social change
  • And to provide advocacy and campaigning voice so that society respects LGBT young people as full and valued members.

BeLonG To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian Gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people are empowered to embrace their development and growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive social change.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

The Life of Stuff - The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

“The Alzheimer Society of Ireland works across the country in the heart of local communities providing dementia specific services and supports and advocating for the rights and needs of all people living with dementia and their carers.

Our vision is an Ireland where no one goes through dementia alone and where policies and services respond appropriately to the person with dementia and their carers, at the times they need support.

A national non-profit organisation, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is person centred, rights-based and grassroots led with the voice of the person with dementia and their carer at its core.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

Irish Heart Foundation

The Life of Stuff - Irish Heart Foundation

“The Irish Heart Foundation is the national charity fighting heart disease and stroke, funded 92 per cent by public donations.

Our vision is that every person living in Ireland will live a long, active and healthy life free from heart, stroke and blood vessel disease.

Our mission is to lead in improving the cardiovascular health of people living in Ireland so they do not experience disability or die from preventable heart, stroke and other blood vessel diseases.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

Down Syndrome Ireland

The Life of Stuff - Down Syndrome Ireland

“Down Syndrome Ireland is a national voluntary organisation supporting people with Down syndrome and their families in twenty-five branches nationwide.

It “actively lobbies on behalf of the interests of our members. Our lobbying efforts are carefully co-ordinated to represent accurate and well-researched information. Lobbying issues include health, education, political participation and language accessibility of public and political information.”

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.

LittleHill Animal Rescue

The Life of Stuff - LittleHill Animal Rescue

“The idea for LittleHill animal rescue & sanctuary was conceived several years ago. We had come across many under-fed and neglected horses. Feeling that we could not stand idly by and do nothing, we took in those horses for which we could help and provide for. Over time we found many more horses that were no longer wanted and were badly treated. Though we had limited resources, we decided to raise funds and formed LittleHill Animal Rescue…

We operate a “no-kill” policy, so that no animal in our care will ever be put to sleep. Unless it is suffering and our vets advise us that this would be the kindest option. Several of our residents have been reprieved from a death sentence and are happily living out their days here at the Sanctuary.” 

Visit Purchase your gift (Donate) here.


*this post was first published on The Life of Stuff on December 11th 2015 but has since been updated, and deserves to be shared again.


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