11 Obvious Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before

Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before

Saving money is the name of everyone’s game these days as inflation rates are on the rise. Everything is more expensive than it was last year including food, appliances, travel, entertainment and fuel, with no end in sight. However it isn’t all doom and gloom because now is the time, if you can – to make a real effort towards saving money where you can – so you can be prepared for that rainy day.

Here are 11 obvious ways to save money that you’ve never tried before.

11 Obvious Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before - LED Light bulbsPhoto by Pawan Thapa

1 – Switch to LED Light Bulbs. LED light bulbs use a whopping 75% less energy than old-fashioned incandescent lighting. They last longer, stay much cooler, and maintain the ambiance and feel of a traditional bulb. It used to be that LED light bulbs were quite expensive, but these days they’ve come down in price dramatically, making them a great way to save money on bulbs and energy use.

Further Reading: 20 Simple Life Changes to Help You with Sustainable Living

2 – Use Your Local Library. If you thought libraries were just for books – you’re in for a surprise. Libraries are filled with all types of great entertainment, all brought to you for free. E-books, audiobooks, CD’s, video games, you name it. Take a stroll through your local library to find out exactly what they offer for rental use.

3 – Review Your Insurance Policies. It’s not uncommon for your insurance policies to be out of date. Your needs and circumstances change over the years, which should be reflected in your policies. Finding affordable car insurance as well as home or renter’s insurance will keep you updated and put money back into your purse or pocket.

4 – Go Shopping Alone. If you take the kids to ‘the shops’ with you, there’s a really good chance you’re going to spend more money. It can often be a hassle trying to focus on what to buy and then there’s the ‘giving in’ part. If you can, leave your littles at home when it’s time to do the weekly shop. And if that’s not possible, make sure to use any coupons and vouchers you might have, and keep your eyes peeled for special offers on items you need. It might not be as inexpensive as going on your own, but it’ll keep the unnecessary extra treats out of your shopping trolley. And if all else fails there’s always the option of shopping online and getting your groceries or whatnot delivered – just be sure to shop around for the best delivery option.

11 Obvious Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before - Go Shopping AlonePhoto by Pavol Štugel

Further Reading: 6 Super Ways Sustainable Living Can Save You Money

5 – Cut the Tube. Are you down to the last of the toothpaste, lotion or sunscreen? Instead of wasting what’s left and throwing all of it away, cut open the tube then place it into a resealable storage bag. You’ll be surprised at just how much is left in there.

6 – Give Less Food. No, we aren’t condoning starving your children! However many parents will agree that a lot of food is wasted on their child’s plate. Their eyes are often bigger than their little bellies. Not including the important stuff like fruit and vegetables, offer your children a smaller portion first with the option for seconds if they request it. In actual fact this is a technique you could try yourself especially if you’re looking to trim down and tone up.

7 – Use Less Cleaner. Unfortunately many of us are becoming used to large helpings and big portions; and this includes general and personal cleansing items, as well. It’s very likely you can get away with using less laundry detergent, less washing up liquid and even less shampoo, which means you’ll get more use out of every bottle. You could even consider swapping out products such as shampoo with shampoo bars, and consider making your purchases at one of the number of refill grocery stores that are popping up, to further your savings.

Further Reading: Beauty Fix – 5 Super Free-From Shampoos And Conditioners

8 – Walk or Bike More. Want to save on fuel and get healthier at the same time? Instead of driving everywhere, consider walking or biking to your location. If you must drive, instead of circling around the car park like a parking spot vulture, park further away so you can get in your steps and save on fuel. Plus, there’s a chance you get to avoid being stuck in traffic!

11 Obvious Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before - Walk or Bike MorePhoto by Kuriakose John

9 – Keep Your Freezer Full. Did you know that it takes more energy to keep an empty freezer cold? While you might think that you are saving money on frozen food items, you’re still spending it on money keeping what you do have chilled. Fill that empty space with plastic milk containers filled ¾ of the way full with water. They’ll need that extra space for the water to expand to ice, and you will enjoy the energy and money savings.

10 – Take Care of Your Things. In this disposable society, we are trained to run out and replace items as soon as they aren’t functioning as optimally as they should. Get more life out of your clothes, appliances, linens, etc., by mending them when they’re torn or repairing them yourself.

11 – Give Homemade Gifts. Are you good at baking? Maybe jewellery design has always appealed to you. Whatever your creative calling, consider it to replace store bought items as gifts. Your family and friends will love that their present is handcrafted, and you’ll beam with pride and enjoy more money in your pocket.

11 Obvious Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before - Wise WordsPhoto by cocoandwifi

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Whether you want to save money for a particular goal in mind or simply have more financial fluidity, we hope these ways to save money tips help you grab opportunities with both hands!

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11 Obvious Ways to Save Money You Never Tried Before - The Life of Stuff

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